A letter to the editor from Peter Smith, Vice Chair of the Dedham Square Design and Planning Steering Committee:
Yes, your vote really counts.
I am supporting Sarah MacDonald as Selectmen. My passion in writing this letter is guided by decades of working with Selectmen in many communities. I have seen over and over again how individual Selectmen can make a huge difference moving policies and programs forward on behalf of a town.
Sarah has already proven herself to be a hardworking, fully engaged and talented leader during her previous tenure as a selectman, from 2008-2014. During that time the Board of Selectman created the Robin Reyes fund which uses funds from the hotel and meals tax to pay for much needed future town projects, collaborated with a nonprofit to support the development of the Mother Brook Arts & Community Center, and worked with Dedham Square Circle and the state to complete a 6.5 million dollar public revitalization program for Dedham Square. I know firsthand that Sarah's shared vision and commitment was instrumental in helping the Dedham Square revitalization become a reality. This project vastly improved the walkability and vitality of Dedham Square, and was completed on time and on budget.
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Sarah has contributed her time and energy to Dedham in so many ways. Including her first stint as a Selectman, Sarah is currently a Town Meeting member, served on the Board of Registrars, and led Dedham Parent Time, an organization that provides invaluable assistance to young Dedham families. Sarah's experience, communication skills and leadership abilities are needed now on the Board to help address some immediate Town challenges—completing the construction and move into the new Town Hall, keeping the construction of the Public Safety building on schedule and tight budget, finding the most highly qualified new town manager, and planning for appropriate development that will take citizen input seriously.
Sarah has already shown she will be accountable to the voters. She is a great communicator, a hard worker and an innovative collaborator. In her day job as Executive Director of Life Science Cares, Sarah has been recognized by the Boston Business Journal as one of the top 40 leaders under 40. We are lucky to have her in Dedham. As much as any individual can, Sarah makes Dedham better. This is her passion.
Please vote for Sarah MacDonald for Selectman.