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Sarah's Platform

In the past fifteen years we’ve witnessed dramatic growth and change in Dedham – some positive, some painful and some both. Given our location in the heart of a rapidly developing region, some amount of growth is unavoidable. But how the town changes is within our control. And how we shape and guide that growth depends on our leaders.


More than ever, Dedham needs bold leadership. We need leaders who are proactive and collaborative. We need leaders who value public input, and who will insure that Dedham’s residents have an active role in shaping decisions, projects and priorities. We need leaders who ask good questions, listen to multiple perspectives, and know how to balance progress with tradition.


Sarah MacDonald is this kind of leader. She has the experience, foresight and expertise required to bring residents together to develop a shared vision for Dedham, so we can create the future we want for our children and our children’s children.


Sarah promises:


Let’s get ahead of the changes coming our way and by electing a proven and skilled leader.


Let’s Select Sarah!

Let's do this together!

Sarah for Select Board

“Dedham is an incredible town, with talented and passionate residents who care deeply about our future. It would be an honor to represent you on the Board of Selectmen."

~Sarah MacDonald


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© 2019 Sarah for Selectman

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